April is OT Month is a yearly initiative by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) to highlight the work that occupational therapists do and to celebrate the concept of Living Life to the Fullest. Follow this link for more information.
As a UK based occupational therapist (OT) I was very fortunate to have the opportunity earlier this year through a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust travel award (more about his when we get to W!) to have the opportunity to spend 8 weeks visiting the Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. My visit was to study the Lifestyle Redesign (look out for L!) occupational therapy approach and to investigate how it could be used in the UK to improve the hospital to home interface for older people.
The Blogging from A - Z Challenge coincides with 'April is OT Month' so I want to use this opportunity as a thank you to all the US OTs, OT students, clients and patients who helped to make my time in Los Angeles such a rewarding and enjoyable experience. I will be using the A-Z challenge to reflect on various aspects of my study visit, what I learned during my time at USC and occupational therapy in general.
I hope it makes for some enjoyable reading!
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